REC Application ID: 1767161 (LMS)
Record Type: Low Power FM Application Purpose: Modification Application Purpose: Minor FRN: 0023091119 Community of license: SANTA CLARITA, CA Channel: 260LP100 (99.9) NAD83 Coordinates: 34 27' 1.6" N / 118 26' 41.5" W REC measured distance to Mexico: 245.4 km - bearing 149.8 Elevation: 616 m AMSL
Effective Radiated Power (kW) | 0.1 | 0 | Maximum Effective Radiated Power: (kW) | 0.1 | 0 | Radiation center above average terrain | -2 m | 0 m | Radiation center-height above ground: | 9 m | 0 m | Radiation center-above mean sea level: | 625 m | 0 m | Overall antenna height above ground: 9 m Non-Directional Antenna Public Notice Comments: Low Power FM minor change in licensed facilities. Requests waiver pursuant to Section 73.807(e)(1) with respect to KKLA-FM and KSWD(FM). Engineering Amendment filed 09/20/2017