REC Application ID: 1593182 (LMS)
放送局の分類: 低電力FM放送局 申請書の目的: 終焉の延長 有効期限: 2017年03月31日 連邦登録番号(FRN): 0023116650 放送局の場所: SACRAMENTO, CA チャネル: 221LP100 (92.1) NAD83 地理座標: 38 32' 59.6" N / 121 27' 20" W 地形高度: 9.4 m AMSL
実効放射電力(ERP): (kW) | 0.1 | 0 | 最大有効放射電力(MERP): (kW) | 0.1 | 0 | 平均地形より上の放射線の中心(HAAT): | 22.231197 m | 0 m | 地上の放射線の中心(RCAGL): | 22 m | 0 m | 海抜の放射線の中心(RCAMSL): | 31.4 m | 0 m | タワーの高さ: 25.6 m 無指向性アンテナ Public Notice Comments: Low Power FM CP New Station. Requests waiver pursuant to Section 73.807(e)(1) with respect to KFBK-FM. Petitions to deny this application must be on file no later than 30 days from the date of the notice accepting this application for filing. Opposition filed 01/15/2014 by MIDTOWN RADIO Reply filed 01/30/2014 by RESULTS RADIO OF SACRAMENTO LICENSEE, LLC Petition to Deny Filed 01/09/2014 by RESULTS RADIO OF SACRAMENTO LICENSEE, LLC Opposition filed 02/20/2014 by MIDTOWN RADIO Supplement filed 03/26/2014 by RESULTS RADIO OF SACRAMENTO LICENSEE, LLC