REC Application ID: 1619953 (LMS)
放送局の分類: 低電力FM放送局 申請書の目的: 終焉の延長 有効期限: 2018年02月23日 連邦登録番号(FRN): 0023104227 放送局の場所: LA QUINTA, CA チャネル: 255LP100 (98.9) NAD83 地理座標: 33 48' 6.1" N / 116 13' 31" W アンテナ構造登録番号(ASRN): 1224308 メキシコの国境までの距離を計算する: 131.7 km - 方向 173.1度 地形高度: 530 m AMSL
実効放射電力(ERP): (kW) | 0.003 | 0 | 最大有効放射電力(MERP): (kW) | 0.003 | 0 | 平均地形より上の放射線の中心(HAAT): | 176.9 m | 0 m | 地上の放射線の中心(RCAGL): | 18 m | 0 m | 海抜の放射線の中心(RCAMSL): | 548 m | 0 m | タワーの高さ: 44 m 無指向性アンテナ Public Notice Comments: Low Power FM CP New Station. Informal Objection filed 12/02/2013 by REC NETWORKS Dismissed 12/13/2013 per DA 13-1385. Applicant has common board members (Julia Gonzalez, Ramon Reynaga) with another LPFM application filed in the window. No letter sent. Engineering Amendment filed 01/13/2014 Requests waiver pursuant to Section 73.807(e)(1) with respect to KDES-FM. Petitions to deny this application must be on file no later than 30 days from the date of the notice accepting this application for filing. Informal Objection filed 12/02/2013 by REC NETWORKS denied and application granted 8/23/2016 by letter Ref 1800B3-ATS Application for Review filed 09/22/2016 by REC NETWORKS Reply filed 10/27/2016 by REC NETWORKS