REC Application ID: 1775102 (eLMS)
Record Type: Low Power FM Application Purpose: License to Cover Expiration Date: 02/01/2028 FRN: 0022411177 Channel: 239LP100 (95.7) NAD83 Coordinates: 26 37' 35.3" N / 81 46' 6.3" W Elevation: 7 m AMSL Antenna Type: SHI 6812B-1 Antenna Sections (bays): 1 Transmitter Power Output: 0.072 kW
Effective Radiated Power (kW) | 0.022 | 0.022 | Maximum Effective Radiated Power: (kW) | 0 | 0 | Radiation center above average terrain | 62.0053 m | 0 m | Radiation center-height above ground: | 60 m | 0 m | Radiation center-above mean sea level: | 67 m | 0 m | Overall antenna height above ground: 79 m Non-Directional Antenna Public Notice Comments: License to cover.
BNPL-20131113AHH |
Construction Permit |
Granted 02/09/2015 |
BMPL-20171109ACU |
Modification |
Granted 11/20/2017 |
- |
Administrative Update |
Pending 01/05/2018 |
- |
Administrative Update |
Pending 01/10/2018 |
BLL-20180104AAH |
License to Cover |
Granted 01/31/2018 |
0000081972 |
Renewal |
Granted 01/15/2020 |
0000120911 |
Administrative Update |
Received 08/31/2020 |
0000254204 |
Silent STA |
Granted 10/03/2024 |
NoFileNumber |
Modification |
Dismissed 10/25/2024 |
0000256192 |
Modification Withdrawal |
Withdrawn 10/25/2024 |
0000256305 |
Modification |
Granted 11/04/2024 |
A red arrow means this application has additional transaction log history since July 1, 2014. Click the arrow to expand. |
A blue arrow means that some details may be available through public notice data. Click the arrow to expand. (Provided by the REC Radio History Project) |
An orange triangle indicates pleadings (objections, reconsiderations, etc.). Click the triangle to view.