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USA (AM/FM/TV) USA (Amateur) Canada Mexico UK/Ireland Australia Japan/日本
Call Sign Community Name Licensee Name
Industry Canada - Canada
Ottawa ON
Stingray Radio Inc
2 St. Clair Ave W Suite 1000
Industry Canada File Number: 8295
CRTC Decision Number: 150223
Channel/Class: 203C1 (88.5)
Broadcasting Mode: Stereo
Status: Operational
NAD83 Coordinates: 45 13' 0.84" N 75 33' 50.04" W
Short Spacing Code: LI
Site Elevation: 89 m
  Horiz Vert
Effective Radiated Power 37 kW 37 kW
Maximum Effective Radiated Power 90 kW 90 kW
Height Above Average Terrain 130m 130m
Radiation Center Above Ground Level 130m 130m
Radiation Center Above Mean Sea Level 219m 219m
Overall Antenna Height Above Ground: 225 m
Antenna Type: Directional
Antenna System ID: 5393
Rad dB ERP Rad dB ERP Rad dB ERP Rad dB ERP
00.0090.0 90-80.000.0 180-11.007.1 270-1.0071.5
50.0090.0 95-80.000.0 185-9.0011.3 275-1.0071.5
10-1.0071.5 100-80.000.0 190-7.0018.0 2800.0090.0
15-1.0071.5 105-80.000.0 195-6.0022.6 2850.0090.0
20-2.0056.8 110-80.000.0 200-5.0028.5 2900.0090.0
25-3.0045.1 115-80.000.0 205-4.0035.8 2950.0090.0
30-4.0035.8 120-80.000.0 210-3.0045.1 3000.0090.0
35-5.0028.5 125-80.000.0 215-3.0045.1 3050.0090.0
40-7.0018.0 130-80.000.0 220-2.0056.8 310-1.0071.5
45-8.0014.3 135-80.000.0 225-2.0056.8 315-1.0071.5
50-10.009.0 140-80.000.0 230-1.0071.5 320-1.0071.5
55-13.004.5 145-80.000.0 235-1.0071.5 325-1.0071.5
60-17.001.8 150-80.000.0 240-1.0071.5 3300.0090.0
65-22.000.6 155-50.000.0 245-1.0071.5 3350.0090.0
70-32.000.1 160-28.000.1 250-1.0071.5 3400.0090.0
75-80.000.0 165-21.000.7 255-1.0071.5 3450.0090.0
80-80.000.0 170-17.001.8 260-2.0056.8 3500.0090.0
85-80.000.0 175-13.004.5 265-2.0056.8 3550.0090.0
proposed parameters including the antenna pattern (domestic). 85 kW and 135.7 m towards channel 202A in Tupper Lake, NY (Az.=143.4°) 100 kW ERP and 160 m towards channel 203A in Dolgeville, NY (Az.=164.4°) 100 kW ERP and 210 m towards channel 203A1 in Prospect, NY (Az.=170.9°) 90 kW ERP and 137.8 m towards channel 203A1 in Westport, NY (Az.=123.5°) proposed parameters including the antenna pattern towards channel 204A(L) in Canton, NY along the azimuths from 126° to 182°.
Paramètres proposés incluant le patron d'antenne (domestique) Limité à 85 kW et de 135.7 m ou l'équivalent vers le canal 202A à Tupper Lake, NY (Az.=143.4°). Limité à 100 kW et de 160 m ou l'équivalent vers le canal 203A à Dolgeville, NY (Az.=164.4°). Limité à 100 kW et de 210 m ou l'équivalent vers le canal 203A1 à Prospect, NY (Az.=170.9°). Limité à 90 kW et de 137.8 m ou l'équivalent vers le canal 203A1 à Westport, NY (Az.=123.5°). Paramètres proposés incluant le patron d'antenne vers le canal 204A(L) Canton, NY le long des azimuts de 126° à 182°.
For assistance with LPFM, FM and translators, contact REC!
Broadcasting Certificate effective date05/04/2016
Broadcasting Certificate renewal date or LOA or OATA expiry date08/31/2030
International coordination request sent09/09/2015
International coordination reply received10/02/2015
Application received01/30/2020
Letter of Authorization issued10/27/2015
On-air date02/29/2016
CRTC letter date02/02/2015
CRTC hearing date05/27/2015
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