REC電波放送 - powered by レックネット
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  電波放送~国内のラジオやテレビ放送局の多国籍データベース。 - your real time dashboard to the FCC's Media Bureau.
REC Broadcast Services - Full service FCC filing for LPFM and FM translators.
アメリカ放送局 アメリカのハムラジオ カナダ メキシコ イギリスやアイルランド オーストラリア 日本
施設の識別子 コールサイン 放送局のリスト 地名 (ローマ字) 郵便番号 参照番号(ARN)
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Channel 268 (101.5 MHz)
RDS PI Code: 3c1a
Facility ID: 196570
Enforcement History
放送局の歴史 - 前のページに戻ります。
出願日 ファイル番号 申請書の種類 申請状況 最終更新日 許可の有効期限 周波数、チャンネル、クラス 実効放射電力 (ERP) 放送送信機の出力電力 (TPO) 平均地形より上の放射線の中心 (HAAT) アンテナモード 放送局の種類
20131114 BNPL-20131114BOI 終焉の延長 申請書が改訂されました 20160504 20171102 101.5 (268L1) 100 -60 無指向性アンテナ 一次
Low Power FM CP New Station. Engineering Amendment filed 02/14/2014 Engineering Amendment filed 03/11/2014 Petition to Deny filed 08/07/2014 by GLENDALE HUMANE SOCIETY Petition to Deny filed 08/07/2014 by LONG BEACH COMMUNITY TELEVISION AND MEDIA CORPORATION Engineering Amendment filed 10/07/2014 Informal Objection filed 10/09/2014 by REC NETWORKS Engineering Amendment filed 10/20/2014 Supplement filed 10/20/2014 by REC NETWORKS Engineering Amendment filed 10/24/2014 Opposition filed 10/27/2014 by BOYLE HEIGHTS ARTS CONSERVATORY Engineering Amendment filed 11/12/2014 Informal Objection filed 01/20/2015 by REC NETWORKS Petition to Deny filed 08/07/2014 by GLENDALE HUMANE SOCIETY dismissed at petitioner's request dated 8/15/2015. No letter sent. Petition to Deny filed 08/07/2014 by LONG BEACH COMMUNITY TELEVISION AND MEDIA CORPORATION dismissed at petitioner's request dated 9/9/2015. No letter sent. Supplement filed 09/29/2015 by REC NETWORKS Informal Objections filed by REC NETWORKS dismissed 10/7/2015 at objector's request. No letter sent. Requests waiver pursuant to 73.807(e)(1) with respect to KRTH and KSCA.
20131114 BNPL-20131114BOI 終焉の延長 申請書が改訂されました 20141113 101.5 (268L1) 100 -3 無指向性アンテナ 一次
Low Power FM CP New Station. Engineering Amendment filed 02/14/2014 Engineering Amendment filed 03/11/2014 Petition to Deny filed 08/07/2014 by GLENDALE HUMANE SOCIETY Petition to Deny filed 08/07/2014 by LONG BEACH COMMUNITY TELEVISION AND MEDIA CORPORATION Engineering Amendment filed 10/07/2014 Informal Objection filed 10/09/2014 by REC NETWORKS Engineering Amendment filed 10/20/2014 Supplement filed 10/20/2014 by REC NETWORKS Engineering Amendment filed 10/24/2014 Opposition filed 10/27/2014 by BOYLE HEIGHTS ARTS CONSERVATORY
20131114 BNPL-20131114BOI 終焉の延長 申請書が改訂されました 20141027 101.5 (268L1) 100 -27 無指向性アンテナ 一次
Low Power FM CP New Station. Engineering Amendment filed 02/14/2014 Engineering Amendment filed 03/11/2014 Petition to Deny filed 08/07/2014 by GLENDALE HUMANE SOCIETY Petition to Deny filed 08/07/2014 by LONG BEACH COMMUNITY TELEVISION AND MEDIA CORPORATION Engineering Amendment filed 10/07/2014 Informal Objection filed 10/09/2014 by REC NETWORKS Engineering Amendment filed 10/20/2014 Supplement filed 10/20/2014 by REC NETWORKS
20131114 BNPL-20131114BOI 終焉の延長 申請書が改訂されました 20141020 101.5 (268L1) 100 -27 無指向性アンテナ 一次
Low Power FM CP New Station. Engineering Amendment filed 02/14/2014 Engineering Amendment filed 03/11/2014 Petition to Deny filed 08/07/2014 by GLENDALE HUMANE SOCIETY Petition to Deny filed 08/07/2014 by LONG BEACH COMMUNITY TELEVISION AND MEDIA CORPORATION Engineering Amendment filed 10/07/2014 Informal Objection filed 10/09/2014 by REC NETWORKS
20131114 BNPL-20131114BOI 終焉の延長 申請書が改訂されました 20141008 101.5 (268L1) 100 -27 無指向性アンテナ 一次
Low Power FM CP New Station. Engineering Amendment filed 02/14/2014 Engineering Amendment filed 03/11/2014 Petition to Deny filed 08/07/2014 by GLENDALE HUMANE SOCIETY Petition to Deny filed 08/07/2014 by LONG BEACH COMMUNITY TELEVISION AND MEDIA CORPORATION
20131114 BNPL-20131114BOI 終焉の延長 申請書が改訂されました 20140312 101.5 (268L1) 100 -27 無指向性アンテナ 一次
Low Power FM CP New Station. Engineering Amendment filed 02/14/2014
20131114 BNPL-20131114BOI 終焉の延長 申請書が改訂されました 20140218 101.5 (268L1) 100 -27 無指向性アンテナ 一次
Low Power FM CP New Station.
20160502 BNPL-20131114BOI 終焉の延長 申請承認 20160502 20171102 101.5 (268L1) 100 12 無指向性アンテナ 一次
Low Power FM CP New Station. Engineering Amendment filed 02/14/2014 Engineering Amendment filed 03/11/2014 Petition to Deny filed 08/07/2014 by GLENDALE HUMANE SOCIETY Petition to Deny filed 08/07/2014 by LONG BEACH COMMUNITY TELEVISION AND MEDIA CORPORATION Engineering Amendment filed 10/07/2014 Informal Objection filed 10/09/2014 by REC NETWORKS Engineering Amendment filed 10/20/2014 Supplement filed 10/20/2014 by REC NETWORKS Engineering Amendment filed 10/24/2014 Opposition filed 10/27/2014 by BOYLE HEIGHTS ARTS CONSERVATORY Engineering Amendment filed 11/12/2014 Informal Objection filed 01/20/2015 by REC NETWORKS Petition to Deny filed 08/07/2014 by GLENDALE HUMANE SOCIETY dismissed at petitioner's request dated 8/15/2015. No letter sent. Petition to Deny filed 08/07/2014 by LONG BEACH COMMUNITY TELEVISION AND MEDIA CORPORATION dismissed at petitioner's request dated 9/9/2015. No letter sent. Supplement filed 09/29/2015 by REC NETWORKS Informal Objections filed by REC NETWORKS dismissed 10/7/2015 at objector's request. No letter sent. Requests waiver pursuant to 73.807(e)(1) with respect to KRTH and KSCA. Engineering Amendment filed 05/02/2016
20160926 BMPL-20160923ADS 放送局の変更 申請書の解雇 20160929 101.5 (268L1) 9 96 無指向性アンテナ 一次
Low Power FM Mod of CP to chg
20170320 BMPL-20170317AAZ 放送局の変更 申請承認 20170323 20171102 101.5 (268L1) 100 26 無指向性アンテナ 一次
Low Power FM Mod of CP to chg Requests waiver pursuant to 73.807(e)(1) with respect to KRTH and KSCA.
20171026 BLL-20171026ABV 工事完了 申請承認 20171106 20211201 101.5 (268LP100) 100-H
100 26 無指向性アンテナ 一次
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