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Channel 30 (Virtual 9)
2601 Mariposa St.
San Francisco CA 94110
Facility ID: 35500
View Public File
FRN: 0001549765
0000040845 Granted 01/29/2018
REC Application ID: 5082837 (LMS)
Record Type: Digital TV (DTV) Station
Application Purpose: Minor Mod-new channel sharing (New Channel Sharing Agreement)
Channel: 30
Expiration Date: 12/01/2022
Callsign Virtual Community Network Host
SITE # 1
TV Zone: : 2
NAD83 Coordinates: 37 45' 19.0" N / 122 27' 10.0" W
Antenna Structure Registration Number: 1001289
Elevation: 254.2 m AMSL
Antenna Type: DIE TUM20-C5SP-14/60H-2-R-T
Antenna Polarization: Elliptical
Effective Radiated Power: 1000kW
Maximum Antenna Power Gain: 15.85 dB
Radiation center-above mean sea level: 542.6
Radiation center above average terrain 511.7
Overall antenna height above ground: 297.7
Directional Antenna:
Antenna System ID: 109395
Rad Field dB ERP Rad Field dB ERP Rad Field dB ERP
00.745-2.6 555.025 1200.921-0.7 848.241 2400.537-5.4 288.369
100.935-0.6 874.225 1300.862-1.3 743.044 2500.287-10.8 82.369
200.878-1.1 770.884 1400.662-3.6 438.244 2600.135-17.4 18.225
300.612-4.3 374.544 1500.821-1.7 674.041 2700.296-10.6 87.616
400.778-2.2 605.284 1600.944-0.5 891.136 2800.169-15.4 28.561
501.0000.0 1000.000 1700.734-2.7 538.756 2900.419-7.6 175.561
600.881-1.1 776.161 1800.637-3.9 405.769 3000.619-4.2 383.161
700.660-3.6 435.600 1900.851-1.4 724.201 3100.661-3.6 436.921
800.859-1.3 737.881 2000.982-0.2 964.324 3200.777-2.2 603.729
900.886-1.1 784.996 2100.849-1.4 720.801 3300.950-0.4 902.500
1000.701-3.1 491.401 2200.658-3.6 432.964 3400.977-0.2 954.529
1100.719-2.9 516.961 2300.604-4.4 364.816 3500.785-2.1 616.225
Additional Azimuths:
Rad Field dB ERP Rad Field dB ERP Rad Field dB ERP
140.963-0.3 927.369 860.915-0.8 837.225 1050.656-3.7 430.336
1240.939-0.5 881.721 3560.709-3.0 502.681
BLEDT-20130104ACT Granted 06/13/2013
BPEDT-20120522AFI Granted 09/11/2012
BLEDT-20100216ACU Granted 04/04/2011
BMPEDT-20100208AAJ Granted 02/12/2010
BPEDT-20080314ACI Granted 04/15/2008
BXLET-20021004ADI Granted 08/08/2003
BLEDT-20000601ADY Granted 07/28/2000
BPET-19990405KG Granted 04/07/2000
BLET-19960111KE Granted 11/26/1999
BPEDT-19980529KE Granted 08/14/1998
BLET-356 Granted 00/00/0000
KN2570 26.0300
KN4398 26.0300
KN2570 26.2300
KN4398 26.2300
KN2570 26.3300
KN4398 26.3300
KN4398 26.4300
KN2570 26.4300
KJN619 161.6700
KJN619 161.7000
KPH268 450.0375 MT DIABLO
WQSW954 450.5625 1 LA AVANZADA ST
WQSW954 455.5625
WQER925 494.0000~608.0000
WQER925 653.0000~657.0000
WGX251 12762.5000~12787.5000 2601 MARIPOSA ST.
WQNK385 12850.0000~12875.0000 1 La Avanzada Street
WQNK386 12975.0000~13000.0000 2601 Mariposa Street
KQED - 00/00/0000 (CDBS)
Where this call sign has been:
03/19/1969 on 88.5 in SAN FRANCISCO CA - now KQED-FM (RHP)
00/00/0000 on 88.5 in SAN FRANCISCO CA - now KQED-FM (CDBS)
09/21/1978 on 88.5 in SAN FRANCISCO CA - now KQED-FM (CDBS)
01/19/2007 on 88.5 in WALNUT CREEK CA - now DKQED-FM2 (CDBS)
10/13/2015 on 88.5 in WALNUT CREEK CA - now DKQED-FM2 (CDBS)
01/19/2007 on 88.5 in WALNUT CREEK CA - now DKQED-FM2 (LMS)
00/00/0000 on 88.5 in SAN FRANCISCO CA - now KQED-FM1 (LMS)
00/00/0000 on 88.5 in SAN FRANCISCO CA - now KQED-FM1 (LMS)
00/00/0000 on 88.5 in ALAMO CA - now KQED-FM2 (LMS)
00/00/0000 on 88.5 in PLEASANTON CA - now KQED-FM3 (LMS)
00/00/0000 on 88.5 in CONCORD CA - now KQED-FM4 (LMS)
00/00/0000 on 88.5 in SAN FRANCISCO CA - now KQED-FM5 (LMS)
04/19/2024 on 88.5 in SAN FRANCISCO CA - now KQED-FM1 (LMS)
00/00/0000 on 88.5 in ALAMO CA - now KQED-FM2 (LMS)
04/29/2024 on 88.5 in ALAMO CA - now KQED-FM2 (LMS)
04/29/2024 on 88.5 in PLEASANTON CA - now KQED-FM3 (LMS)
04/29/2024 on 88.5 in CONCORD CA - now KQED-FM4 (LMS)
10/22/2024 on 88.5 in SAN FRANCISCO CA - now KQED-FM5 (LMS)
00/00/0000 on 88.5 in PLEASANTON CA - now KQED-FM3 (LMS)
00/00/0000 on 88.5 in CONCORD CA - now KQED-FM4 (LMS)
Nautel for LPFM.
Applications DTV Transition TV Repack Childrens TV
Transaction log data 0000003696 Schedule 381 Certification Received
A red arrow means this application has additional transaction log history since July 1, 2014. Click the arrow to expand.
Incoming letter or scanned document 06/27/2013
Incoming letter or scanned document 06/19/2013
History card 01/01/1980
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