BRET-19801201KV |
Renewal |
Granted 05/19/1981 |
BPET-19840116KI |
Modification |
Granted 01/31/1984 |
BRET-19831130KL |
Renewal |
Granted 03/16/1984 |
BPET-19841031KP |
Modification |
Granted 11/30/1984 |
BMPET-19850726KL |
Replace Expired CP |
Granted 08/13/1985 |
BLET-19881208KG |
License to Cover |
Granted 01/31/1989 |
BRET-19881129KF |
Renewal |
Granted 03/20/1989 |
BALET-19920513KK |
Assign License/CP |
Granted 06/23/1992 |
BRET-19931201KN |
Renewal |
Granted 03/31/1994 |
BRET-19981201KX |
Renewal |
Granted 03/31/1999 |
BLET-19990525KH |
License to Cover |
Granted 12/06/1999 |
BPET-19990525KG |
Modification |
Granted 12/06/1999 |
BPEDT-20000204AAF |
Modification |
Granted 06/21/2001 |
Minor change in licensed facilities, callsign WMEB-TV. |
Superceded : 2001-04-25 08:17:32 |
Original App. | |
Granted : 2001-06-21 00:00:00 |
| |
Granted : 2001-06-21 00:00:00 |
| |
Granted : 2014-09-23 13:17:20 |
| |
Granted : 2014-09-24 12:59:13 |
| |
Granted : 2014-09-24 18:32:44 |
| |
Granted : 2014-10-07 15:27:39 |
| |
Granted : 2014-10-07 17:15:43 |
| |
BLEDT-20020508AAS |
License to Cover |
Granted 10/17/2002 |
BAFEDT-20031121AIA |
Ancillary Fee |
Received 11/24/2003 |
BAFEDT-20041129APR |
Ancillary Fee |
Received 11/30/2004 |
BAFEDT-20051114AJA |
Ancillary Fee |
Received 11/15/2005 |
BAFEDT-20061103AAC |
Ancillary Fee |
Received 11/06/2006 |
BRET-20061128ABQ |
Renewal |
Granted 03/29/2007 |
BAFEDT-20071129AFQ |
Ancillary Fee |
Received 11/30/2007 |
BAFEDT-20081103AAX |
Ancillary Fee |
Received 11/04/2008 |
BAFEDT-20091028AAH |
Ancillary Fee |
Received 10/29/2009 |
BDRTEDT-20091222AOL |
DTV Replacement Translator |
Granted 01/25/2010 |
- |
Silent Notification |
Dismissed 03/08/2010 |
BDRTEDT-20090824AIL |
DTV Replacement Translator |
Dismissed 06/30/2010 |
BAFEDT-20101015AAJ |
Ancillary Fee |
Received 10/18/2010 |
BAFEDT-20101201AFF |
Ancillary Fee |
Received 12/02/2010 |
BLEDT-20110729ADO |
License to Cover |
Granted 08/08/2011 |
BAFEDT-20111118AEO |
Ancillary Fee |
Received 11/21/2011 |
BAFEDT-20121106ACJ |
Ancillary Fee |
Received 11/07/2012 |
BAFEDT-20131029AFD |
Ancillary Fee |
Received 10/29/2013 |
BAFEDT-20141110AAE |
Ancillary Fee |
Received 11/10/2014 |
BREDT-20141121ABU |
Renewal |
Granted 05/15/2015 |
0000005813 |
Ancillary Service Report |
Received 11/13/2015 |
0000016371 |
Ancillary Service Report |
Received 10/21/2016 |
0000035247 |
Ancillary Service Report |
Received 11/13/2017 |
0000200051 |
Modify License |
Granted 09/29/2022 |
0000203783 |
Renewal |
Granted 03/15/2023 |
0000219914 |
License to Cover |
Granted 09/07/2023 |
A red arrow means this application has additional transaction log history since July 1, 2014. Click the arrow to expand. |
A blue arrow means that some details may be available through public notice data. Click the arrow to expand. (Provided by the REC Radio History Project) |