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Channel 23 (Virtual 23)
SUITE 2000
Facility ID: 51502
View Public File
FRN: 0028358455
0000197092 Granted 08/10/2022
0000184414 Granted 02/09/2022
REC Application ID: 5281942 (LMS)
Record Type: Digital TV (DTV) Station
Application Purpose: Extension Request (Engineering)
Channel: 23
Expiration Date: 08/18/2022
SITE # 1
TV Zone: : 2
NAD83 Coordinates: 41 49' 48.0" N / 93 36' 54.6" W
Antenna Structure Registration Number: 1061304
Elevation: 303.9 m AMSL
Antenna Type: AND ATW30H3-ETO-23M
Antenna Polarization: Circular
Effective Radiated Power: 246kW
Maximum Antenna Power Gain: 14.37 dB
Radiation center-above mean sea level: 902.9
Radiation center above average terrain 610
Overall antenna height above ground: 609.3
Non-Directional Antenna
Antenna System ID: 85321
Rad Field dB ERP Rad Field dB ERP Rad Field dB ERP
01.0000.0 246.000 1201.0000.0 246.000 2401.0000.0 246.000
101.0000.0 246.000 1301.0000.0 246.000 2501.0000.0 246.000
201.0000.0 246.000 1401.0000.0 246.000 2601.0000.0 246.000
301.0000.0 246.000 1501.0000.0 246.000 2701.0000.0 246.000
401.0000.0 246.000 1601.0000.0 246.000 2801.0000.0 246.000
501.0000.0 246.000 1701.0000.0 246.000 2901.0000.0 246.000
601.0000.0 246.000 1801.0000.0 246.000 3001.0000.0 246.000
701.0000.0 246.000 1901.0000.0 246.000 3101.0000.0 246.000
801.0000.0 246.000 2001.0000.0 246.000 3201.0000.0 246.000
901.0000.0 246.000 2101.0000.0 246.000 3301.0000.0 246.000
1001.0000.0 246.000 2201.0000.0 246.000 3401.0000.0 246.000
1101.0000.0 246.000 2301.0000.0 246.000 3501.0000.0 246.000
BPCDT-20130205AAY Pending 02/06/2013
REC Application ID: (LMS)
Record Type: Digital TV (DTV) Station
Application Purpose: Modification (Minor)
Channel: 23
Expiration Date: 02/01/2022
SITE # 1
TV Zone: : 2
NAD83 Coordinates: 41 49' 48.0" N / 93 36' 54.6" W
Antenna Structure Registration Number: 1061304
Elevation: 303.9 m AMSL
Antenna Type: AND ATW30H3-ETO-23M
Antenna Polarization: Circular
Effective Radiated Power: 1000kW
Radiation center-above mean sea level: 902.9
Radiation center above average terrain 610
Overall antenna height above ground: 609.3
Non-Directional Antenna
Antenna System ID: 111668
Rad Field dB ERP Rad Field dB ERP Rad Field dB ERP
01.0000.0 1000.000 1201.0000.0 1000.000 2401.0000.0 1000.000
101.0000.0 1000.000 1301.0000.0 1000.000 2501.0000.0 1000.000
201.0000.0 1000.000 1401.0000.0 1000.000 2601.0000.0 1000.000
301.0000.0 1000.000 1501.0000.0 1000.000 2701.0000.0 1000.000
401.0000.0 1000.000 1601.0000.0 1000.000 2801.0000.0 1000.000
501.0000.0 1000.000 1701.0000.0 1000.000 2901.0000.0 1000.000
601.0000.0 1000.000 1801.0000.0 1000.000 3001.0000.0 1000.000
701.0000.0 1000.000 1901.0000.0 1000.000 3101.0000.0 1000.000
801.0000.0 1000.000 2001.0000.0 1000.000 3201.0000.0 1000.000
901.0000.0 1000.000 2101.0000.0 1000.000 3301.0000.0 1000.000
1001.0000.0 1000.000 2201.0000.0 1000.000 3401.0000.0 1000.000
1101.0000.0 1000.000 2301.0000.0 1000.000 3501.0000.0 1000.000
BLCDT-20090612AIO Granted 06/24/2010
REC Application ID: (LMS)
Record Type: Digital TV (DTV) Station
Application Purpose: License to Cover
Channel: 23
Expiration Date: 02/01/2022
SITE # 1
TV Zone: : 2
NAD83 Coordinates: 41 49' 48.0" N / 93 36' 54.6" W
Antenna Structure Registration Number: 1061304
Elevation: 303.9 m AMSL
Antenna Type: AND ATW30H3-ETO-23M
Antenna Polarization: Circular
Effective Radiated Power: 246kW
Maximum Antenna Power Gain: 14.37 dB
Radiation center-above mean sea level: 902.9
Radiation center above average terrain 610
Overall antenna height above ground: 609.3
Non-Directional Antenna
Antenna System ID: 85321
Rad Field dB ERP Rad Field dB ERP Rad Field dB ERP
01.0000.0 246.000 1201.0000.0 246.000 2401.0000.0 246.000
101.0000.0 246.000 1301.0000.0 246.000 2501.0000.0 246.000
201.0000.0 246.000 1401.0000.0 246.000 2601.0000.0 246.000
301.0000.0 246.000 1501.0000.0 246.000 2701.0000.0 246.000
401.0000.0 246.000 1601.0000.0 246.000 2801.0000.0 246.000
501.0000.0 246.000 1701.0000.0 246.000 2901.0000.0 246.000
601.0000.0 246.000 1801.0000.0 246.000 3001.0000.0 246.000
701.0000.0 246.000 1901.0000.0 246.000 3101.0000.0 246.000
801.0000.0 246.000 2001.0000.0 246.000 3201.0000.0 246.000
901.0000.0 246.000 2101.0000.0 246.000 3301.0000.0 246.000
1001.0000.0 246.000 2201.0000.0 246.000 3401.0000.0 246.000
1101.0000.0 246.000 2301.0000.0 246.000 3501.0000.0 246.000
BPCDT-20080314ABC Granted 04/08/2008
BLCT-20010130ABE Granted 12/26/2001
BMPCT-19981020KE Granted 04/06/1999
BPCT-19950110KF Granted 02/19/1998
950110KF - 00/00/0000 (CDBS)
KBDP - 04/06/1998 (CDBS)
KPWB-TV - 06/01/1998 (CDBS)
KCWI-TV - 09/18/2006 (CDBS)
KCWI-TV - 04/06/1998 (LMS)
Where this call sign has been:
03/22/2006 On Channel 36 in ALAMOGORDO NM - now DDKKNJ-LP (CDBS)
08/10/2006 On Channel 19 in DES MOINES IA - now KDMI (CDBS)
08/25/2006 On Channel 36 in ALAMOGORDO NM - now DDKKNJ-LP (CDBS)
Dates   Reason # Days
For assistance with LPFM, FM and translators, contact REC!
Applications DTV Transition TV Repack Childrens TV
Transaction log data 0000002158 Schedule 381 Certification Received
A red arrow means this application has additional transaction log history since July 1, 2014. Click the arrow to expand.
Incoming letter or scanned documentBDSTA-20141229ASF01/09/2015
Incoming letter or scanned documentBLCDT-20090612AIO10/06/2011
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