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Channel 20 (Virtual 21)
Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System
1860 Van Hise Hall
1220 Linden Drive
Madison WI 53706
Facility ID: 6096
View Public File
FRN: 0004969952
0000089074 Granted 11/18/2019
REC Application ID: 5150083 (LMS)
Record Type: Digital TV (DTV) Station
Application Purpose: License to Cover
Channel: 20
Expiration Date: 12/01/2021
SITE # 1
TV Zone: : 1
NAD83 Coordinates: 43 3' 21.0" N / 89 32' 6.0" W
Antenna Structure Registration Number: 1033919
Elevation: 343.2 m AMSL
Antenna Type: DIE TFU-28GTH/VP-R 06D6
Antenna Polarization: Elliptical
Effective Radiated Power: 200kW
Maximum Antenna Power Gain: 11.35 dB
Radiation center-above mean sea level: 753.5
Radiation center above average terrain 454
Overall antenna height above ground: 433.7
Non-Directional Antenna
Antenna System ID: 1005133
Rad Field dB ERP Rad Field dB ERP Rad Field dB ERP
01.0000.0 200.000 1201.0000.0 200.000 2401.0000.0 200.000
101.0000.0 200.000 1301.0000.0 200.000 2501.0000.0 200.000
201.0000.0 200.000 1401.0000.0 200.000 2601.0000.0 200.000
301.0000.0 200.000 1501.0000.0 200.000 2701.0000.0 200.000
401.0000.0 200.000 1601.0000.0 200.000 2801.0000.0 200.000
501.0000.0 200.000 1701.0000.0 200.000 2901.0000.0 200.000
601.0000.0 200.000 1801.0000.0 200.000 3001.0000.0 200.000
701.0000.0 200.000 1901.0000.0 200.000 3101.0000.0 200.000
801.0000.0 200.000 2001.0000.0 200.000 3201.0000.0 200.000
901.0000.0 200.000 2101.0000.0 200.000 3301.0000.0 200.000
1001.0000.0 200.000 2201.0000.0 200.000 3401.0000.0 200.000
1101.0000.0 200.000 2301.0000.0 200.000 3501.0000.0 200.000
0000074840 Granted 11/04/2019
0000078129 AUX Granted 07/23/2019
0000072966 Granted 05/29/2019
0000035690 Granted 04/23/2019
0000006394 Received 11/23/2015
REC Application ID: 5037629 (LMS)
Record Type: Digital TV (DTV) Station
Application Purpose: Ancillary Service Report (Form 317)
Channel: 20
Expiration Date: 12/01/2021
SITE # 1
TV Zone: : 1
NAD83 Coordinates: 43 3' 21.0" N / 89 32' 6.0" W
Antenna Structure Registration Number: 1033919
Elevation: 343.2 m AMSL
Antenna Type: DIE TFU-28GBH-R06D6
Antenna Polarization: Horizontal
Effective Radiated Power: 140kW
Maximum Antenna Power Gain: 13.71 dB
Radiation center-above mean sea level: 754.2
Radiation center above average terrain 453
Overall antenna height above ground: 433.7
Non-Directional Antenna
Antenna System ID: 87693
Rad Field dB ERP Rad Field dB ERP Rad Field dB ERP
01.0000.0 140.000 1201.0000.0 140.000 2401.0000.0 140.000
101.0000.0 140.000 1301.0000.0 140.000 2501.0000.0 140.000
201.0000.0 140.000 1401.0000.0 140.000 2601.0000.0 140.000
301.0000.0 140.000 1501.0000.0 140.000 2701.0000.0 140.000
401.0000.0 140.000 1601.0000.0 140.000 2801.0000.0 140.000
501.0000.0 140.000 1701.0000.0 140.000 2901.0000.0 140.000
601.0000.0 140.000 1801.0000.0 140.000 3001.0000.0 140.000
701.0000.0 140.000 1901.0000.0 140.000 3101.0000.0 140.000
801.0000.0 140.000 2001.0000.0 140.000 3201.0000.0 140.000
901.0000.0 140.000 2101.0000.0 140.000 3301.0000.0 140.000
1001.0000.0 140.000 2201.0000.0 140.000 3401.0000.0 140.000
1101.0000.0 140.000 2301.0000.0 140.000 3501.0000.0 140.000
BLEDT-20091229ACK Granted 03/03/2011
BPEDT-20080620AEM Granted 08/22/2008
BXLET-20050613AEO Granted 01/05/2006
BXPET-20020328AAO Granted 03/09/2005
BLEDT-20020503AAF Granted 10/25/2002
BLET-20020227ABP Granted 10/25/2002
BPET-20010808ABJ Granted 11/14/2001
BMPEDT-19991022ABP Granted 06/28/2001
BMPEDT-19991022ABP Superceded 04/26/2001
BPEDT-19980904KE Granted 10/07/1998
BLET-19961025KG Granted 01/13/1997
BLET-19951017KE Granted 01/13/1997
BMPET-19940510KE Granted 10/26/1994
BMPET-19940223KE Granted 10/26/1994
BPET-19850215LQ Granted 03/29/1985
KZH888 455.3500
KS2691 6875.0000~7125.0000
WHA - 00/00/0000 (CDBS)
WHA-TV - 12/31/1979 (CDBS)
WHA-TV - 00/00/0000 (LMS)
Where this call sign has been:
02/01/1922 - .833 kHz in MADISON WI RSB
11/01/1924 - .570 kHz in MADISON WI RSB - now WHA
00/00/0000 on 970 in MADISON WI - now WHA (CDBS)
Dates   Reason # Days
For assistance with LPFM, FM and translators, contact REC!
Applications DTV Transition TV Repack Childrens TV
History card 01/01/1980
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