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Geoffrey Starks to resign from the FCC - FCC101: About the FCC Commissioners - FCC to investigate companies alleged to be aligned with the CCP - Michi at NAB - GRC 2025 dates announced - FCC to make it easier for telcos to retire copper lines - Dingers: W288DU - March Open Meeting this coming Thursday
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Welcome to FCCdata.org - the most broadcast data out there!
FCCdata.org compiles the data from several telecommunications administrations worldwide combined with extensive internal research to develop a rich research tool. Click on a link above to select the nation's data you wish to access! Information available through FCCdata.org:
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United States Canada Mexico Ireland United Kingdom Australia Japan
Administration: FCC
Updated: Daily
Broadcast radio, television and shortwave from the CDBS, LMS and IBFS databases. REC exclusive historical data from BAPS (c. 1995), Public notice data (1978~1999), Radio Service Bulletins (1920s~1932) and FCC History Card data (1920s~1978, select markets). Amateur Radio license data from the ULS database.
Administration: IC
Updated: Weekly (Saturday)
Broadcast radio and television data covering all CBC and independent stations including directional antenna data for FM and TV facilities. Also, all regular and club amateur radio licenses. Search by call sign, community name or licensee name.
Administration: IFT
Updated: 08/01/2021
Broadcast radio and television. Includes all constructed and operating stations on file with the IFT as the date of the update. Search by call sign and community name. Information is now available nationwide.
Administation: ComReg & Coimisiún na Meán
Updated: 2014(ComReg)
2023(Coimisiún na Meán)
Technical parameters for analogue FM radio for both RTE (from ComReg) and for independent radio (from Coimisiún na Meán). Despite listings, RTE has discontinued DAB. Search by community name. Note: ComReg has not provided by updates since 2014.
Administration: Ofcom
Updated: 01/13/2020
Technical parameters for analogue radio and digital audio broadcasting. Includes data for the BBC, Independent Local Radio and Independent National Radio. Directional antenna data is included. Search by community name.
Administration: ACMA
Updated: Daily
Basic technical parameters for radio and television broadcasting, narrowcasting and narrowband audio services. Information is also available on domestic HF (shortwave) broadcasting. Amateur radio license data is also available. Search by call sign, community name and licensee name.
Administration: MIC
Updated: 08/01/2021 (FM), 02/17/2020 (TV)
Limited technical parameters and in most cases, accurate site location information for radio and television stations including NHK, commercial and community broadcasters. Search by call sign or place name. Data manually maintained by REC through multiple sources. [Learn more]
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