REC Application ID: 97196 (eLMS)
Record Type: Full Service FM Application Purpose: License to Cover Expiration Date: 04/01/2021 FRN: 0011531845 Channel: 206A (89.1) NAD83 Coordinates: 43 31' 36.9" N / 96 44' 19.1" W Elevation: 449 m AMSL
Effective Radiated Power (kW) | 0.68 | 0.68 | Maximum Effective Radiated Power: (kW) | 0 | 0 | Radiation center above average terrain | 56 m | 56 m | Radiation center-height above ground: | 48 m | 48 m | Radiation center-above mean sea level: | 497 m | 497 m | Overall antenna height above ground: 53 m Non-Directional Antenna Public Notice Comments: LIC. TO COVER (BPED-851223MR) FOR CHANGES.
BRED-19791129VM |
Renewal |
Granted 03/25/1980 |
BPED-19790709AC |
Major Modification-amend |
Granted 08/11/1980 |
BRED-19821126E2 |
Renewal |
Granted 03/28/1983 |
BPED-19850314IJ |
Replace Expired CP |
Granted 04/17/1985 |
BMPED-19850703IC |
Modification |
Granted 08/27/1985 |
BLED-19850314KI |
License to Cover |
Granted 09/30/1985 |
BPED-19851223MR |
Major Modification-amend |
Granted 10/27/1986 |
BLED-19870129KB |
License to Cover |
Granted 10/20/1987 |
BRED-19900222YA |
Renewal |
Granted 07/13/1990 |
BRED-19961129K3 |
Renewal |
Granted 03/26/1997 |
BRED-20041012ABD |
Renewal |
Granted 03/07/2006 |
BRED-20121120ACR |
Renewal |
Granted 03/22/2013 |
BSTA-20160330APZ |
Special Temporary Authority |
Granted 04/11/2016 |
0000127891 |
Renewal |
Granted 03/22/2021 |
A red arrow means this application has additional transaction log history since July 1, 2014. Click the arrow to expand. |
A blue arrow means that some details may be available through public notice data. Click the arrow to expand. (Provided by the REC Radio History Project) |