No current application data found. Chances are this application was dismissed or the system is currently in an update. If the latter, please check again later.
BPTT-19810917QE |
Construction Permit |
Granted 04/29/1982 |
BPTT-19830606IK |
Replace Expired CP |
Granted 06/23/1983 |
BMPTT-19830615IB |
Modification |
Granted 07/21/1983 |
BMPTT-19831219IF |
CP Extension |
Granted 12/30/1983 |
BMPTT-19840611IC |
CP Extension |
Granted 06/19/1984 |
BMPTT-19841108IC |
CP Extension |
Granted 11/27/1984 |
BMPTT-19841115IA |
Major Modification |
Application Returned 02/13/1985 |
BMPTT-19850130IC |
Modification |
Application Returned 02/13/1985 |
BMPTT-19850805II |
CP Extension |
Granted 08/12/1985 |
BMPTT-19860114IB |
CP Extension |
Granted 01/27/1986 |
BMPTT-19870702ZD |
Major Modification |
Granted 01/11/1988 |
BLTT-19860307IH |
License to Cover |
Dismissed 03/29/1988 |
BLTT-19880226IC |
License to Cover |
Granted 03/29/1988 |
BRTT-19930329ZD |
Renewal |
Granted 07/27/1993 |
BRTT-19980429AA |
Renewal |
Granted 07/29/1998 |
BALTT-19980330IA |
Assign License/CP |
Granted 08/11/1998 |
BESTA-20000405ABI |
Extension of STA |
Granted 04/12/2000 |
BESTA-20000922ABA |
Extension of STA |
Granted 10/05/2000 |
BESTA-20010316AAQ |
Extension of STA |
Granted 04/18/2001 |
BESTA-20011012ABS |
Extension of STA |
Granted 11/06/2001 |
BESTA-20020314ABN |
Extension of STA |
Granted 04/03/2002 |
BMJPTTL-20000817ABF |
Major Modification-amend |
Granted 04/22/2002 |
BRTTL-20040520AEX |
Renewal |
Granted 10/12/2004 |
BDISDTL-20060331BBM |
Displacement |
Granted 12/06/2006 |
BEP-20091119ADL |
CP Extension |
Granted 01/27/2010 |
BLTTL-20020508AAB |
License to Cover |
Cancelled 10/02/2020 |
A red arrow means this application has additional transaction log history since July 1, 2014. Click the arrow to expand. |
A blue arrow means that some details may be available through public notice data. Click the arrow to expand. (Provided by the REC Radio History Project) |