No current application data found. Chances are this application was dismissed or the system is currently in an update. If the latter, please check again later.
BSFDTT-20060630AYB |
Short Form Application |
Granted 01/12/2007 |
BDCCDTT-20061003AGW |
Digital Companion Channel |
Granted 01/12/2007 |
BAFDDT-20111122BHJ |
Ancillary Fee |
Received 11/23/2011 |
BAFDDT-20121130BPR |
Ancillary Fee |
Received 12/04/2012 |
BRDTT-20140520ACJ |
Renewal |
Granted 10/08/2014 |
BLDTT-20100111AFY |
License to Cover |
Cancelled 05/07/2018 |
0000053462 |
Minor Modification-Displacement |
Dismissed 05/07/2018 |
A red arrow means this application has additional transaction log history since July 1, 2014. Click the arrow to expand. |
A blue arrow means that some details may be available through public notice data. Click the arrow to expand. (Provided by the REC Radio History Project) |