BPCT-19800908KG |
Construction Permit |
Granted 05/17/1983 |
BPCT-19841130KJ |
Replace Expired CP |
Granted 12/14/1984 |
BMPCT-19850417KG |
Replace Expired CP |
Granted 04/29/1985 |
BMPCT-19851017KE |
Replace Expired CP |
Granted 10/25/1985 |
BMPCT-19860416KI |
Replace Expired CP |
Granted 04/30/1986 |
BMPCT-19861020KG |
Replace Expired CP |
Granted 11/12/1986 |
BMPCT-19870415KG |
Replace Expired CP |
Granted 05/08/1987 |
BMPCT-19871015KE |
Replace Expired CP |
Granted 10/27/1987 |
BMPCT-19880414KG |
Replace Expired CP |
Granted 05/02/1988 |
BMPCT-19881108KE |
Replace Expired CP |
Granted 12/06/1988 |
BMPCT-19890417KG |
Replace Expired CP |
Granted 07/31/1989 |
BTCCT-19890601KG |
Transfer of Control |
Granted 11/03/1989 |
BMPCT-19900112KE |
Replace Expired CP |
Granted 11/30/1994 |
BAPCT-19890504KF |
Assign License/CP |
Granted 11/30/1994 |
BMPCT-19950613KE |
Replace Expired CP |
Granted 06/26/1995 |
BMPCT-19960523KF |
Modification |
Granted 11/26/1996 |
BMPCT-19890714KH |
Modification |
Dismissed 04/09/1997 |
BMPCT-19951128KF |
Replace Expired CP |
Granted 05/22/1997 |
BLCT-19970714KF |
License to Cover |
Granted 02/06/1998 |
BRCT-19981001KX |
Renewal |
Granted 01/28/1999 |
BALCT-19991116BDJ |
Assign License/CP |
Granted 01/18/2000 |
BTCCT-20000209AAD |
Transfer of Control |
Granted 02/18/2000 |
BPCDT-19991101AFR |
Modification |
Granted 03/14/2003 |
BLCDT-20060627ADG |
License to Cover |
Granted 11/07/2006 |
BAFCDT-20061130ABT |
Ancillary Fee |
Received 12/01/2006 |
BRCT-20061002ASR |
Renewal |
Granted 06/25/2007 |
BAFCDT-20071126ABG |
Ancillary Fee |
Received 11/27/2007 |
BAFCDT-20081121AFS |
Ancillary Fee |
Received 11/24/2008 |
BAFCDT-20091130ACW |
Ancillary Fee |
Received 12/01/2009 |
- |
Resume Operations |
Dismissed 03/08/2010 |
- |
Silent Notification |
Dismissed 03/08/2010 |
BAFCDT-20101130APF |
Ancillary Fee |
Received 12/01/2010 |
BAFCDT-20111107ADX |
Ancillary Fee |
Received 11/07/2011 |
BAFCDT-20121121APM |
Ancillary Fee |
Received 11/23/2012 |
BAFCDT-20131122AWI |
Ancillary Fee |
Received 11/25/2013 |
BTCCDT-20130619AAM |
Transfer of Control |
Granted 12/20/2013 |
- |
Administrative Update |
Pending 04/29/2014 |
BAFCDT-20141103AEK |
Ancillary Fee |
Received 11/04/2014 |
BRCDT-20140929AFI |
Renewal |
Granted 02/18/2015 |
0000001601 |
Modify License |
Granted 06/09/2015 |
0000005483 |
Ancillary Service Report |
Received 11/06/2015 |
0000002513 |
Administrative Update |
Received 02/03/2016 |
- |
Administrative Update |
Pending 02/16/2016 |
0000008239 |
Main Studio Change |
Received 03/01/2016 |
0000011060 |
Administrative Update |
Received 06/07/2016 |
- |
Administrative Update |
Pending 06/22/2016 |
0000011300 |
Administrative Update |
Received 06/23/2016 |
0000017119 |
Ancillary Service Report |
Received 11/10/2016 |
0000022301 |
Administrative Update |
Received 03/17/2017 |
- |
Administrative Update |
Pending 03/22/2017 |
0000033730 |
Administrative Update |
Received 10/13/2017 |
- |
Administrative Update |
Pending 10/16/2017 |
0000067286 |
Administrative Update |
Received 01/25/2019 |
- |
Administrative Update |
Pending 01/28/2019 |
BPCDT-20080617AEE |
Modification |
Granted 06/26/2019 |
0000127044 |
ML3AA) |
Granted 12/09/2020 |
0000127063 |
Special Temporary Authority-legal amendment |
Granted 12/11/2020 |
0000146794 |
Extension Request |
Granted 05/25/2021 |
0000142777 |
Special Temporary Authority-legal |
Dismissed 06/07/2021 |
0000142777 |
Special Temporary Authority-legal withdrawal |
Withdrawn 06/07/2021 |
0000149812 |
Granted 09/23/2021 |
0000160689 |
Modify License |
Granted 10/14/2021 |
0000163848 |
License to Cover |
Granted 10/22/2021 |
0000186114 |
Special Temporary Authority-legal amendment |
Granted 07/28/2022 |
0000196641 |
Main Studio Change |
Received 08/01/2022 |
0000201016 |
Renewal |
Granted 01/19/2023 |
0000205641 |
Extension Request |
Granted 03/03/2023 |
From: TEGNA INC. |
0000186373 |
Transfer of Control-amend |
Dismissed 06/09/2023 |
0000186373 |
Transfer of Control-amend withdrawal |
Withdrawn 06/09/2023 |
0000218701 |
Granted 08/14/2023 |
0000237877 |
ML3AA) |
Granted 06/17/2024 |
Add 1 consummation notice to list above. |
A red arrow means this application has additional transaction log history since July 1, 2014. Click the arrow to expand. |
A blue arrow means that some details may be available through public notice data. Click the arrow to expand. (Provided by the REC Radio History Project) |